List of 1 items.

  • Caritas Connection - Upper School

    The focus of the Caritas Connection is to live out our core values of Truth (Veritas), Unity (Unitas), and Love (Caritas) by helping others, especially those who are in need, following the model that Jesus gave us at the Last Supper. We do this both individually and as a community of Love. Dedicated and continued service is expected of each student.

    "(Jesus) rose from supper and took off his outer garments. He took a towel and tied it around his waist. Then he poured water into a basin and began to wash the disciples' feet and dry them with the towel around his waist. … When he had washed their feet [and] put his garments back on and reclined at table again, he said to them, 'Do you realize what I have done for you? … I have given you a model to follow, so that as I have done for you, you should also do.'" (John 13: 4-5, 12, 15).
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Caritas Connection Overview

Caritas Connection experiences will be approved and assessed based primarily on their quality, not on the quantity of time spent on them.  Generally, experiences must benefit established non-profit agencies; exceptions to this rule must be proposed by students and approved by Caritas Ministers in advance.

The Helper Helper website and app will be used both (1) for Campus Ministry to promote Caritas opportunities and (2) for students to record and submit their Caritas Connection experiences. The web login and links for app downloading can be found here

Caritas Connection will appear as a pass/fail course on myCascia each semester. Each class will have a Campus Minister as the teacher of this course. This person will be that class’s dedicated Caritas Minister for all four years of Upper School.

  • Seniors: Mr. Adam Stoermer
  • Juniors: Mr. Adam Stoermer
  • Sophomores: Fr. Joe Roccasalva, OSA
  • Freshmen: Mrs. Bonnie Leighty
Each required experience will appear as an assignment on myCascia for consistent, transparent, easy access. Experiences beyond those required will be entered as extra-credit assignments for tracking purposes. Summer experiences will count for the following fall semester. Christmas break and Minimeter experiences will count for the following spring semester. Otherwise, experiences will be recorded only for the semester in which they occur (of course, any deficiencies (F’s) will be fulfilled first).

Once a student completes a semester’s requirements, all additional Caritas experiences will be recorded as extra-credit assignments in myCascia and count toward above-and-beyond recognition:
  1. outstanding achievement award for at least three experiences beyond each year’s requirements (N.B.: After the 2020-21 school year, we will assess whether this is a good standard moving forward)
  2. the Sister Mary Murrihy Award at graduation for the senior with the most outstanding service portfolio, considering both quantity and quality
Just in Case
Students who choose not to meet the minimum requirements will receive grades of F for the Caritas Connection for that semester. Athletic and extracurricular ineligibility will follow as with other courses. Incomplete experiences from the previous semester will need to be completed before the current semester’s experiences are begun. When they are, F’s will be changed to P’s. Students must have passed all semesters to date of the Caritas Connection to be eligible for the National Honor Society.

Requirements by Grade

List of 4 items.

  • 9th Grade

    9th grade
    8 hours minimum per semester (16 hours)
    Your service experiences must include at least:
    • two Caritas experiences with your family and/or schoolmates
    • one Caritas experience benefiting Cascia Hall 
  • 10th Grade

    10th grade
    5 hours per semester + 9 hours during minimester (19 hours) 
    Your service experiences must include at least:
    • one Caritas experience with a faith community (not including Minimester Wednesdays)
    • one Caritas experience directly serving the poor with your family and/or schoolmates (not including Minimester Wednesdays)
    • three Caritas experiences with our partner agencies (including Minimester Wednesdays--built into the school day)
  • 11th Grade

    11th grade
      Intensive Caritas Experience
        • A proposal is required in advance, approved by the junior Caritas Minister. This is done via Google Forms, accessible on myCascia.
        • The intensive experience should be a minimum of 20 hours of direct service (working with clients or guests), preferentially serving the poor and vulnerable:
          • with one agency or connected agencies that include direct interaction with clients/recipients 
          • on a multi-day mission/service trip that includes a significant amount of providing direct service and a component for which the student provides significant planning and leadership
          • another experience requiring similar depth, commitment, and leadership
    1. 12th Grade

      12th grade
      Minimum of 10 hours of service + the Rose Paper
      • Option 1: Three free choice Caritas experiences.
      • Option 2: another intensive Caritas experience as in 11th grade. At a minimum, submit the proposal and have it approved in the summer/fall. You may also begin or even complete the experience in the summer/fall. Otherwise, complete the experience in the winter/spring.
      • Rose Paper: Details for the Rose Paper will be posted in the course on myCascia.
    The following organizations are approved partners for Caritas experiences for the 2024-2025 school year. Please contact Campus Ministry to get additional organizations added to the list. 

    List of 67 items.

    • A New Leaf

    • Aaron's Camp

    • Alzheimer's Association

    • American Heart Association

    • American Red Cross

    • Animal Aid of Tulsa

    • Animal Rescue Foundation

    • Art Alliance of Tulsa

    • Arthritis Foundation

    • Assistance League of Tulsa

    • Balcony Women

    • Big Brothers Big Sisters

    • Boy Scouts of America

    • Camp Barnabas

    • Catholic Charities

    • Child Abuse Network

    • City Lights Foundation of Oklahoma (Night Light Tulsa)

    • Clarehouse

    • Clark Youth Theatre

    • Coffee Bunker

    • Community Action Project (CAP)

    • Community Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma

    • Crosstown Learning Center

    • Day Center for the Homeless

    • Diocese Of Tulsa

    • Emergency Infant Services

    • Family and Children's Services

    • Food On The Move

    • Fostering Connections

    • Fostering Hope Muskogee

    • Global Gardens

    • Hopes Crossing Camp

    • Iron Gate

    • Jenks Community Food Bank

    • Kendall Whittier, Inc.

    • Lemon Aid Project

    • Life Senior Services

    • Lindsay House

    • Little Light House

    • Living Arts Tulsa

    • Meals On Wheels

    • Mental Health Association of Oklahoma

    • National Charity League

    • New Life Ranch

    • Parent Child Center of Tulsa

    • Pathways Adult Learning Center

    • Pet Adoption League

    • Puppy Haven Rescue

    • Reading Partners

    • Ronald McDonald House

    • Salvation Army

    • SPCA

    • Special Olympics

    • The Center For Individuals With Physical Challenges

    • Tulsa Botanic Garden

    • Tulsa Boys Home

    • Tulsa Community Foundation

    • Tulsa Discovery Lab

    • Tulsa Dream Center

    • Tulsa Girls Art School

    • Tulsa Public Library

    • Up With Trees

    • Veterans of Foreign Wars

    • YMCA

    • Young Men's Service League

    • Youth Athletic Programs

    • Youth Services of Tulsa

    "What does love look like? It has the hands to help others. It has the feet to hasten to the poor and needy. It has eyes to see misery and want. It has the ears to hear the sighs and sorrows of men. That is what love looks like." St. Augustine