
Endowment - CH Foundation

A Symbol of Financial Stability

Cascia’s endowment is a symbol of financial stability, and functions as the “savings account” for the school.  The Cascia Hall Foundation was established in 1999 and is a separate legal organization with 501 (c)(3) non-profit status. The Foundation Board of Directors oversees the management and investment of the funds.

We welcome gifts to enhance our programs and departments and ensure that our outstanding education will be available to future generations of Cascia students.  Gifts of any amount to The Cascia Hall Foundation will be invested, and the earnings will be used for the financial benefit of the school. Your gift can be designated for general purposes to The Cascia Fund, to one of the other established funds, or for a new purpose.

List of 1 items.


    The Cascia Hall Foundation Board of Directors  2024-2025
    Janet Ausink
    Mark C. Butterworth ’73 (ex Officio, Foundation Board President)
    Fr. Philip Cook, OSA, Ph.D. {ex Officio}
    Darren Cottom
    James Farrell ‘95
    Karen Forbes ’88, President
    Vaughn Graham ‘99
    Nadia Hall ‘96
    Rebecca Heatherman ‘98
    Br. Jack Hibbard, OSA (ex officio, Prior)
    Erin Peters ’91 (ex officio-past Chair)
    Very Rev. Anthony Pizzo, OSA
    Bailey Siegfried ’99
    David Vaughan ‘78
    Ann Weber ‘96
    Kristin Bryant, Secretary to Board

List of 23 items.

  • The Cascia Fund

    This general fund is the largest of our endowment funds. Its earnings are used for the School's operating budget, including financial aid for families who could not otherwise attend Cascia Hall. Many people make donations to this fund, and the income is used where the need is greatest for the school.
  • Rev. Stephen R. Fogarty, O.S.A. † Music Fund

    This fund benefits the music program, including faculty salaries, and was established in 1991.
  • Rev. John H. Gaffney, O.S.A. † English Department Chair Fund

    This fund was established in honor of Rev. John H. Gaffney, O.S.A., † on the occasion of his 90th birthday on April 9, 2009. The earnings generated are used to help pay the salary of the English Department Chair.
  • Rev. Thomas E. Nash, O.S.A.† World Languages Department Chair Fund

    When this fund was established in 2020 by Charles J. Stivale '67 in honor of Rev. Nash† he said, "The importance of supporting faculty and administrative excellence is often one of the secrets hidden in plain sight for imagining the future of a learning environment.  This fund is founded in the name of a teacher who inspired excellence in his students at Cascia throughout the 1960s and into the following decade. I want to honor these aspects of his teaching and his friendship that made the Cascia experience so valuable to me."  Earnings generated by the fund are used to help pay the salary of the World Languages Department Chair.
  • Rev. Martin J. O'Neill, O.S.A.† Library Fund

    This fund was established in 1991 to benefit operation of Cascia's Library Media Center.  Fr. O'Neill was Headmaster of Cascia Hall from 1965-1968.
  • Rev. Theodore E. Tack, O.S.A. † Faculty Enrichment Fund

    Established in honor and recognition of Fr. Tack's 50th Anniversary of Ordination in 2003, this fund was initiated by Celeste and Dick Bendel and their son, David Bendel '04.  The earnings are used for continued training and education of Cascia's faculty and staff.
  • Huntington Wolcott Rhodes† Award Fund

    This award and an endowment fund were established in honor and memory of Hunt Rhodes†, Cascia Class of 1982.  The award is presented annually to a graduating senior in recognition of that student's growth in personal responsibility and respect for others.
  • Performing Arts Center Endowment Fund

    As part of the Partners in Progress fundraising campaign to build the Performing Arts Center, this endowment fund was established to provide part of the operating funds for the facility and programs.
  • Tennis Endowment Fund

    This fund was established by The Robert E. Patterson Family to maintain and enhance the tennis program and facilities.
  • Charles F. Bisett, III† ’51 Financial Aid Fund

    As a beneficiary of financial aid when he attended Cascia Hall, Charlie knew the importance of giving back.  He established this fund in 2006 when he became a member of The 1926 Guild and funding was provided by his estate after his death in January 2015.
  • Rev. David L. Brecht, O.S.A.† Memorial Financial Aid Fund

    This fund was established in September of 2014 in honor and memory of former (from 1985-1991) Cascia Hall Headmaster, Fr. David Brecht, O.S.A.
  • Cascia Hall Alumni Association Financial Aid Fund

    The Alumni Association leaders invest some of their funds with the Foundation so they can endow the annual financial aid they provide the school for the children and grandchildren of alumni.
  • Cascia Hall Class Financial Aid Funds

    The following individual classes have established funds to assist families who could not otherwise afford a Cascia education:  
    Class of 1950
    Class of 1958
    Class of 1959
    Classes of 1961-1964
    Class of 1966
    Class of 1967
    Class of 1970
    Classes of 2009-2011
    Classes of 2013-2025
  • Cascia Parent Faculty Association Financial Aid Fund

    The CPFA established an endowment fund in 1999, and the CPFA leaders continue to build this fund with annual donations, while they also provide annual financial aid support to the school.
  • Aaron Halford† Memorial Financial Aid Fund

    This endowment fund was established in honor and memory of Aaron Halford, a freshman student who died from heart failure during a varsity basketball game on February 12, 2002 to provide financial aid to qualified students of minority races.
  • Patrick M. O'Neill Dwyer† '01 Financial Aid Fund

    This fund was established by Georgene and Michael Dwyer, their family and friends, in honor and memory of Patrick, a graduate of the Class of 2001, who passed away in 2003.
  • The Gaberino Family Financial Aid Endowment Fund

    Established by the Gaberino family in August of 2011, the annual earnings from this fund provide financial aid for qualified Cascia students whose families could not otherwise afford a Cascia education.
  • Raymond A.† and Georgiana K.† Miller Financial Aid Fund

    This fund was established by Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Miller, Jr. '53, in honor and memory of Ray's parents, for students with demonstrated financial need.
  • Joseph E. † and Marie† Osborn Financial Aid Endowment Fund

    This fund was established by Nancy Owens in May of 2012 in honor of her great uncle and aunt Joseph E. and Marie Osborn. The annual earnings from this fund provide financial aid for qualified Cascia students whose families could not otherwise afford a Cascia education.
  • Very Rev. Bernard C. Scianna, O.S.A., Ph.D. Financial Aid Endowment Fund

    In honor of Fr. Bernie's service to Cascia Hall as Headmaster from 1997-2010, Directors of the Cascia Hall School Corporation Board unanimously decided to establish this financial aid fund in 2010.
  • Robert D. Sheehan† ’38 Financial Aid Endowment Fund

    The donation to establish this fund was provided by R. David ’64 and Tamra Sheehan, and Marty Sheehan†and her daughters in honor and memory of David and Marty’s father.  The annual earnings from this fund provide financial aid for qualified Cascia students whose families could not otherwise afford a Cascia education.
  • Rev. Henry V. Spielmann, O.S.A.† Financial Aid Fund

    Established in honor of Rev. Henry V. Spielmann, O.S.A., on the occasion of his 90th birthday in January 2002, the earnings from this fund provide financial aid to qualified Cascia students.
  • John T. Swab† Memorial Financial Aid Fund

    This fund was established in 1974 in honor and memory of John Swab, Cascia parent, school board member, and a founding trustee of the Cascia Hall Charitable Trust. The Swab Family and many friends have contributed to this financial aid fund.