At Cascia Hall, our music curriculum strives not just to teach students musicianship skills, but to help them find a place for music in their lives. Cascia students learn a wide variety of music for performance, but they also learn how that music functions in society. They even use music to give back, making one of their annual concerts a benefit concert serving a local non-profit organization.
Our middle school music program introduces students to various facets of music, including singing, guitar, handbells, Orff, and music appreciation.
Our upper school vocal offerings include a general chorus and a select vocal ensemble group. Our general chorus serves more than 120 students each semester and is open to every upper school student, regardless of experience. Our select vocal ensemble group, called Command Performance, is audition only, with auditions occurring each spring for the following school year. Both general chorus and the select ensemble perform in two Cascia concerts each semester featuring a wide variety of music. In addition, the select ensemble takes part in other performance activities both within Cascia and in the outside community. Students are also encouraged to meet with choral director Candy Coonfield for individualized lessons and training before or after school if they are interested in pursuing music further.
Our upper school guitar offerings include both beginning and intermediate guitar, with the school providing a class set of guitars to use each day during class. For those interested in beginning guitar, no prior experience is needed.
Additional music offerings such as music theory are offered for those students wishing to pursue music in the future.
Many Cascia students go on to receive college scholarships in voice; thousands of dollars have been awarded in scholarship money during the last five years.